Writer and director: Don McCaleb
Voice: Lisbeth Keen
Editor: Jim Kallemeyn
Jesus was gone. His body shut away in the midnight cold of the tomb. It looked like darkness had won.
Was it the end … or was it the beginning?
Was it the end of a peasant teacher and His message of compassion?
Or was it the beginning of a death-to-life, third-day, big-bang of grace?
The beginning of a hate-into-hope, water-into-wine, way of walking the world.
The updending of every curse and the winning of souls-caught-fire from the spark of Christ’s life rekindling.
He got up from the grave in that resurrection miracle at the intersection of truth and grace;
crushing humanity’s final enemy and the victory is His.
God’s boundless now-and-not-yet power brings
forgiveness to life when all seems lost,
It means freedom’s alive no matter the cost.
So in this hour, Let the power
of Christ and His work on the cross arise
in our hearts, in our city and across the earth.
Where there are scars let His healing come alive.
Where there are broken hearts let His love come alive.
Where there is darkness let His light come alive.